Dates of event :
from: 2. 3. 2018
to: 8. 8. 2018
Venue :
We know the "chair" mainly as an object for sitting. However, when going beyond its „sitting“ capabilities, we will discover that it has a lot of more to offer. In this exhibition we get to the frontier between the real world and fantasy, i.e. of various kinds of chairs and together we will also cross/break that border. This piece of furniture suddenly becomes a kind of "play" for young and old. It becomes a source of possibilities everyone may experience on his/her very own. So — let's enter the „chair-world“ – the "chair-park", the "chairy catwalk" or the Throne – "the chair if the chairs"! This exhibition has been organized in cooperation with the Slovak Design Museum in Bratislava.
Script & dramaturgy – K. Kosánová, art & space design – L. Lizáková and A. Bindzárová, expert advisor – K. Hubová