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Program listing

01.10.2022 - 19. 2. 2023

TRESKY PLESKY - Slashes and bangs

Set out for an adventurous journey in the foot-steps of the reporter Kata Strofová at the exhibition Tresky plesky (Slashes and bangs). Explore natural phenomena as e.g. a volcano, lightning, tsunami or an avalanche. Meet monkeys as well as a huge whale or come for some skiing with us in the city centre of Bratislava.

01.10.2022 - 19. 2. 2023


The exhibition is organised in cooperation with the German cartoon-movie-studio FILM BILDER in Stuttgart, based on the Animanimals series.

17.08.2022 - 17. 8. 2022

Children's wedding from Kovačica - Bratislava

Cheerful costumed parade of children from the Slovak village of Kovačica in Serbia through the streets of the Old Town from BIBIANA to Hviezdoslavovo námestie. Children will present the wedding customs of our compatriots.

09.06.2022 - 24. 7. 2022

The most beautiful books in Slovakia 2021 - exhibition of books in BIBIANA

Výstava ocenených kníh a súťažných titulov z rovnomennej celoslovenskej súťaže. Súťaž o najkrajšie knihy hodnotí výtvarnú úroveň a kvalitu polygrafického spracovania kníh vydaných v predchádzajúcom roku. Pod názvom Najkrajšie knihy Slovenska predstavuje tituly prihlásené a ocenené v 30. ročníku súťaže, v Galérii Dušana Rolla.

29.04.2022 - 29. 5. 2022


​​​​​​​The exhibition named "Garden of (fairy) tales" presents art-works by the Ján Albrecht Artistic Primary School (ZUŠ), inviting the kids at the very same time to learn about music, fine arts, theatre, as well as dancing - all that in very creative and playful way.

24.03.2022 - 24. 4. 2022

# word # language # book

​​​​​​​This exhibition of books and magazines for the children and youth of ethnic minorities in Slovakia — presents art-works by those minorities in this field, both in their native language, as well as in Slovak. Those authors and stories help preserving the mother tongue and ethnical identity.

17.02.2022 - 11. 9. 2022


​​​​​​​We got inspired for this exhibition by the beautiful book by the Czech authors D. Böhm and O. Buddeus: Hlava v hlavě (A head in the head). The exhibition is virtually packed with interactive elements about this most important part of the human body - the head.

06.12.2021 - 13. 3. 2022


In this interactive exhibition, where the visitors get a lot of interesting facts on gingerbread history, they get to know exotic spices used for their baking - and then you can try distinguish them with your very own nose. The kids get to the gingerbread-land via a comics-tale about a little gingerbread-kid never experiencing Christmas before

22.11.2021 - 31. 1. 2022


Máme pre Vás nachytaných sériu 10 súťaží o balík merchu BIB a BIBIANA, čestnú vstupenku na naše výstavy a tiež výtlačok ilustrácie, ktorá sa bude aktuálne hádať. Víťazov žrebujeme vždy v nedeľu a každý pondelok pridáme novú hádanku!

04.11.2021 - 5. 11. 2021


The hallmark of this year's Biennale of Illustrations Bratislava is the dragon, drawn up by the well known illustrator Matúš Maťátko. This mythical animal can now be found in all promotional materials of this festival. Do you want to see how such animals/creatures get created? So come, the author will certainly show it to you.

01.10.2021 - 31. 10. 2021

Billufest - a festival of illustration in Budapest

Festival ilustrácií Budapešť (Billufest) bol založený v roku 2019 s cieľom predstaviť a obnoviť maďarské ilustračné umenie. Ilustrácia je jedno z najdynamickejšie sa rozvíjajúcich a inovatívnych odvetví súčasného vizuálneho umenia. Našim zámerom je povzbudiť maďarskú ilustráciu v literatúre tak, aby držala krok so svetovými špičkami; zviditeľniť mladé talenty a nakoniec aj predstaviť maďarskú ilustráciu celému svetu.

15.10.2021 - 15. 10. 2021

BIB 2021 International Press Conference

Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic, BIBIANA, International House of Art for Children, Poštová banka, a.s. invite and the Historical Museum of the Slovak National Museum at Bratislava Castle invite to International Press Conference of the 28th Biennial of Illustration Bratislava - BIB 2021 at which, among other things, the jury will publish its decision on the awards that have been awarded to BIB 2021.
