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Cultivated reading not only as a social topic but as a vision.

Cultivated reading not only as a social topic but as a vision.

On February 5, in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic in Dvorana MK SR (Courtyard of the Ministry of Culture), a seminar - Cultivated reading, not only as a social topic but as a vision.

RECORDINGS: (We apologize for the poor sound quality.)

1. The key note by Timotea Vráblová, Coordinator, Walking around with Dierožrút. On the black holes of reading and on the vision of reading the colourful world. (Pictures include slides from the presentation).

2. Contribution of stage designer Maria Bačová, The book Dierožrút as a scenic laboratory. (Pictures include images from the exhibition and book inspired installation.)

3. Music and dance riddles by the dance teacher Viera Sádovska and the musician Jana Mikulčíková to promote creativity, imagination and emotionality in working with children. (Video)

4. The contribution of Viera Sádovská - Reading Theatre - about the production of theatre-dance performances based on the children's book and working with it during dancing. 

5. The contribution of RTVS dramaturgist Beata Panáková on the relationship between reading and listening and presentation of radio plays for children and young people “Zázračný oriešok”.